India Road Assessment Programme (IndiaRAP)

India Road Assessment Programme (IndiaRAP)

IndiaRAP works to enhance road safety in India, significantly contributing to health and well-
being by reducing accidents and fatalities. Through systematic safety assessments, implementing
safer road designs, and training professionals, IndiaRAP aims to create safer travel
environments. This effort not only saves lives but also enhances the overall quality of life by
reducing the mental health burden caused by traffic-related injuries and deaths.

SMAART Well-being

Well-being is defined as a positive state encountered by an individual comprising quality of life and abilities to contribute to development. It is a valuable resource influenced by societal dynamics, economic factors and environmental conditions


Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society
Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute
Parul Institute of Public Health, Parul University
School of Public Health
Government Doon Medical College