Mental health in a post-Covid world: Who’s still struggling in India?

Mental health in a post-Covid world: Who’s still struggling in India?

A survey of over 46,982 Indians showed that 30.4% are grappling with mental health issues post-
COVID-19, higher than the global average of 27.1%. Younger individuals, especially those
under 35, are the most affected, with significant declines in well-being linked to early
smartphone use and processed food intake. Women and less-educated individuals report higher
distress levels. The pandemic’s impact on mental health persists, highlighting the need for
ongoing support and intervention​.

SMAART Well-being

Well-being is defined as a positive state encountered by an individual comprising quality of life and abilities to contribute to development. It is a valuable resource influenced by societal dynamics, economic factors and environmental conditions


Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society
Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute
Parul Institute of Public Health, Parul University
School of Public Health
Government Doon Medical College