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National Mental Health Survey of India, 2015-16

The prevalence rates of mental disorders are also critically influenced by a wide variety of factors, ranging from socio-economic and other environmental determinants, variations in perceived threshold of distress, differences in assessment tools.


Aligning AI Optimization to Community Well-Being

This paper investigates incorporating community well-being metrics into the objectives of optimization algorithms and the teams that build them. It documents two cases where a large platform appears to have modified their system to this end. Facebook incorporated “well-being” metrics in 2017.


Enhancing Mindfulness and Well-Being in Higher Education

The process and rationale for creating and adopting the PERMANENT Model of Well-Being is also provided. Comparisons are made regarding the similarities and differences between the PERMANENT Model and two existing models: the PERMA Model and the Universidad Tecmilenio Well-being in Happiness Ecosystem.


Application of the PERMA Model of Well-being in Undergraduate Students

The PERMA model was introduced by Seligman in 2011 to increase and measure well-being. This model defines well-being in terms of Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA). The purpose of this study was to test whether all five PERMA elements of well-being could be constructed from items within the 2018 Purdue University Student Experience at a Research University (SERU) survey.


A holistic approach to campus well-being: Steps to Leaps at Purdue University

In response to the increasing demand of mental health solutions, Purdue University launched the Steps to Leaps initiative in 2019 to promote student well-being. It provided the tools and resources to build students’ resilience skills and establish lifelong habits to help them realize their personal definitions of success. Working collaboratively with students.


What Kind of Community Development System Can Effectively Support Citywide Philanthropic Efforts to Promote Community Well-Being?

This article uses a citywide, engagement-driven initiative led by local practitioners that took place in Detroit between 2016 and 2019. This article is based on the initiative’s two main outcomes, namely the identification of seven elements of an effective community development system and a vitality framework designed to measure community progress and success.


School Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Youth, and Considerations for Anxiety, Depression, and a Positive School Climate—A Systematic Literature Review

The results show discrepancies in terms of methodological and implementation variables, types of interventions, instructor trainings, assessment measures, and choice of practices and exercises, which make the effects of existing school MBIs difficult to compare. Consistencies were observed in emotional and behavioral regulation, prosocial behaviors, and reducing stress and anxiety in students.


Optimising adolescent wellbeing in a digital age

Today’s adolescents are transitioning from childhood to adulthood in an era of rapid digitalisation. Digital media—such as online communication platforms and applications accessed through mobile phones, tablets, and computers—are an important window into the world for adolescents. Optimise adolescent wellbeing in this digital age, adolescents must be equipped and empowered to use digital media in ways that foster their immediate and future wellbeing. However, the burden of managing the risks of poorly regulated digital environments cannot be placed entirely on adolescents and their caregivers. Governance mechanisms and services for adolescents—including health services—must also be strengthened to provide the necessary support and protection to young users.


What Is Next for Public Health after COVID-19 in Italy? Adopting a Youth-Centred Care Approach in Mental Health Services

The Italian National Action Plan for Mental Health reports a highly fragmented situation in the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry services, in terms of an integrated and comprehensive regional network of services for the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neuropsychological disorders in young people.


Interventions to improve well-being among children and youth aged 6-17 years during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review

Studies deploying synchronous interventions most often reported improved well-being among children and youth largely in the domain of health and nutrition, specifically physical and mental health. Targeted approaches will be crucial to reach sub-groups of children and youth who are most at risk of negative well-being outcomes. Further research is needed.


Awareness of Behavioural Intervention Strategies in Curbing Mental Health Issues among Youth in Malaysia

A total of 103 respondents between the ages of 18 to 23 years participated in the research survey, and the results revealed that mood changes and thoughts, feelings, and actions were the intervention strategies that showed a positive significance in the improvement of mental health among youth in Malaysia. Social distractions, peer motivation, ease of access to help, and sense of belonging and mindfulness did not show a positive significance when it came to behavioural intervention technologies used to improve mental health.


Risk and protective factors for mental health and wellbeing among adolescent orphans

Estimating structural paths from risk protective factors to psychopathology and wellbeing can inform prioritization of targeted investment in adolescent health programs that seek to modify factors that are most closely associated with mental wellbeing.


The Influence of Individual and Contextual Factors on the Vocational Choices of Adolescents and Their Impact on Well-Being

The aim of this study is to explore the impact of adolescent–parent career congruence on adolescents’ well-being and future intention to enroll in a university course.


Daily experiences and adolescent affective wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic: The CHESS model

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in adolescents’ increased exposure to daily experiences of risk factors for depression and anxiety (e.g., loneliness). Intensive longitudinal studies examining daily experiences during the pandemic have revealed short-term and long-term consequences on youth mental health.


Impact of closure of educational institutions due to COVID-19 lockdown on overall subjective wellbeing of adolescents and youth: Cross-sectional survey, India

A cross-sectional web-based survey was adapted, pre-tested, and finalized to obtain the participant’s responses from schools and colleges. Participants aged 11–17 years were engaged through schools. Consent procedures were followed.


Internet-based interventions to support recovery in youth: A systematic review

Personal recovery represents a paradigm shift in how individuals are seen to benefit from mental health interventions, from a narrow view of symptom reduction to a holistic, multi-dimensional view of well-being, functional gains and rehabilitation.


The Impact of the Daily Mile™ on School Pupils’ Fitness, Cognition, and Wellbeing: Findings From Longer Term Participation

We identified small and selective positive impact of participation in school based running programmes on fitness and cognition. While no long-term benefit was identified.


Adolescent health programming in India: a rapid review

In 2016, in response to a request from the Government of India, the World Health Organisation undertook a rapid programme review of ARSH and RKSK at the national level and in four states (Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand) to identify and document lessons learnt in relation to four domains of the programmes (governance, implementation, monitoring and linkages) that could be used to enhance current and future adolescent health programming in India.


Mindfulness-based programmes to reduce stress and enhance well-being at work: a realist review

Simply offering an MBP to (healthcare) professionals in order to reduce stress and enhance well-being does not suffice. A supportive environment must exist in order for the programme’s benefits to be reaped.


Child and adolescent mental well-being intervention programme: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of child and adolescent mental well-being intervention programmes and to identify the approach of effective intervention by reviewing the available Randomised Controlled Trials.


Measuring Mental Wellness of Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Instruments

Mental health is critical to the healthy development of adolescents. However, mental health encompasses more than the absence of mental illness; and should include indicators of mental wellness. A critical review of available mental wellness instruments for adolescents were conducted to identify operational definitions of mental wellness concepts for this population group.


Multi-sectoral action to promote psychological wellbeing: Theorising the role of place-based policy

Several national governments are showing interest in policies to promote wellbeing. One common strategy is to devise systems to measure indictors of wellbeing, presuming that governments act on what they measure. This article will argue instead that formation of multisectoral policies to promote psychological wellbeing requires a different kind of theoretical and evidentiary basis.Place-based policy is foundational for effective multi-sectoral policy to promote psychological wellbeing.


Wellbeing as a policy framework for health promotion and sustainable development

This paper examines key health promotion concepts and approaches, juxtaposed with philosophical underpinnings of the concept of wellbeing, alternative measurement strategies, and examples of wellbeing policy initiatives. In doing so, the paper highlights the relevance of wellbeing policy frameworks to health promotion, the utility of health promotion strategies for implementing wellbeing policy frameworks, and controversies and pitfalls that require consideration.


A framework for designing AI systems that support community wellbeing

Designing artificial intelligence (AI) to support health and wellbeing is an important and broad challenge for technologists, designers, and policymakers. Drawing upon theories of AI and cybernetics, this article offers a design framework for designing intelligent systems to optimize human wellbeing.


The Welleye: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding and Promoting Wellbeing

We present the Welleye – a novel and conceptually clear framework that shows how attention links the objective circumstances of people’s lives and selves to how they spend their time and feel day to day. While existing wellbeing frameworks in policy contain many of the factors included in the Welleye, they all lack attention as the “lens” that determines the impact of these factors on how people feel. Policymakers and organizations can use the Welleye to better understand how people are faring and design and evaluate interventions aimed at making people better off.


Prioritizing the Mental Health and Well-Being of Healthcare Workers: An Urgent Global Public Health Priority

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on health systems in most countries, and in particular, on the mental health and well-being of health workers on the frontlines of pandemic response efforts. The purpose of this article is to provide an evidence-based overview of the adverse mental health impacts on healthcare workers during times of crisis and other challenging working conditions and to highlight the importance of prioritizing and protecting the mental health and well-being of the healthcare workforce, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, we provide a broad overview of the elevated risk of stress, burnout, moral injury, depression, trauma, and other mental health challenges among healthcare workers. Second, we consider how public health emergencies exacerbate these concerns, as reflected in emerging research on the negative mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.


A correlational study between perceived parenting style, psychological well-being, and emotional intelligence among adolescents

Background: In many reviews, it is found that parental responsiveness, parental emotion-related coaching, and parental positive demandingness are related to children’s higher emotional intelligence (EI), while parental negative demandingness is related to children’s lower EI. There is a lack of Indian work in this area.

Aim: To study the role of EI and parenting style in predicting psychological well-being among adolescents in an Indian scenario.


Telework satisfaction, wellbeing and performance in the digital era. Lessons learned during COVID‑19 lockdown in Spain

Abstract: This study used a prospective design to examine the efects of telework satisfaction (time 1) on subjective wellbeing and self-reported performance (time 2) during the COVID-19 lockdown. Data were collected from 111 teleworkers through an online survey the frst weeks of strict lockdown in Spain. Telework satisfaction showed positive direct efects on both subjective wellbeing and self-reported performance.


The relationship between self-care, positive family environment, and human wellbeing

Self-care behaviors are fundamental for a healthy lifestyle. These behaviors can lead to improved physical and psychological health, which can in turn lead to individual and social wellbeing. The present paper proposes self-care as a set of behaviors that help sustain a positive environment (i.e., a sustainable behavior) wherein individuals who take care of themselves can aid in maintaining the positivity of the environment.

SMAART Well-being

Well-being is defined as a positive state encountered by an individual comprising quality of life and abilities to contribute to development. It is a valuable resource influenced by societal dynamics, economic factors and environmental conditions